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illy IperEspresso Machine Twin-Group ‘Francis’ - Stainless
illy IperEspresso Machine Twin-Group ‘Francis’ - Stainless

illy IperEspresso Machine Twin-Group ‘Francis’ - Stainless

ILY-60158, Ctn Qty 1

The X2.2 Iperespresso Pro Machine is designed to serve up to 200 espressos a day for professional use in offices and businesses. Simple to use, this professional coffee machine requires minimum maintenance and it does not need to be operated by an expert to offer illy’s premium coffee experience at all times, ideal for use across professional settings in Australia such as offices and workplaces. The introduction of the flow meter allows a precise control of the coffee brewed volume. Just insert an iperEspresso capsule and the premium illy espresso brews into the cup without any contact with the machine.

  • Pressure: 15 bar 2 independent Thermo blocks for coffee groups
  • 1 Thermo block for steam group
  • Heated top functions as cup warmer
  • Electronic temperature control
  • Automatic stop, up to 4 different programmable volumes
  • Steam wand and flow meter
  • *15amp power required

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