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illy Smart 50 Coffee Machine
illy Smart 50 Coffee Machine
illy Smart 50 Coffee Machine
illy Smart 50 Coffee Machine

illy Smart 50 Coffee Machine

ILY-I0003659AU, Ctn Qty 1

Allow your guests to enjoy café quality coffee at breakfast or when attending a conference.

The illy Smart Coffee Machine ensures an excellent and consistent cup of coffee every time, thanks to the unique illy 100% Arabica blend and patented capsule system and has been designed to cater for larger groups.

Made in Italy to guarantee the highest level of quality.


  • Three programmable cup volumes
  • Adjustable cup holder for espresso cup or mug
  • 2.5 litre water tank capacity
  • Capsule container capacity: 40 exhausted capsules
  • Automatic stand by after 30 min

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