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illy IperEspresso Single Origin Capsules, Guatemala

illy IperEspresso Single Origin Capsules, Guatemala

SKU ILY-7102, Ctn Qty 126

For a taste of Australia’s best-selling coffee capsules, try illy’s premium Guatemalan coffee capsules. It features a bold intensity taste, complex and balanced, with notes of chocolate. This premium coffee grows in the mountains of Guatemala up to a height of 2000 meters. At this altitude, the cooler temperatures are mitigated by warm winds from Mexico.

The illy iperEspresso Capsule System is Australia’s best-selling coffee capsules system for good reason. It lets you prepare extraordinary premium espresso and cappuccino at home using illy’s espresso coffee capsules with ease and simplicity. Each capsule contains approximately seven grams of perfectly roasted and expertly ground 100% sustainably-grown premium Arabica coffee with a smooth, rich and full-bodied taste. The result is an authentic Italian coffee that is flawlessly consistent, smooth, balanced, and never bitter. iperEspresso capsules are compatible with the Francis Francis X1, X7, X7.1, X7.1 Sunrise, X8, X9, Y1, Y1.1, Y3, Y5, Y5 Duo, Y5 Milk, Cuisinart for illy, or Gaggia for illy Espresso machines.

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